Many elderly patients present with chronic pain, which has limited their daily life activities and quality of life. Going for a walk, working out, sitting comfortably and playing with the grandkids all can increase the uncomfortable pain issues they may experience. Acupuncture can turn this around.
What we have found is that in many cases the muscles and other tissue are in a state of chronic inflammation which leads to a decrease in mobility (ROM) and increase in pain with activity and even rest. Acupuncture will allow the body to heal these issues. By inserting needles into the affected areas; hips, shoulders, elbows and knees we prompt the body to increase blood flow to these tissue and heal these chronic conditions.
With the treatment of acupuncture, you will experience pain reduction or relief, an increase in the range of motion of the muscle or tissue and get back to living a pain-free life. Some patients present with a history of chronic pain for many years and find that even after one treatment major changes begin to happen (even when your doctor’s therapies have not worked).
What ailments does acupuncture treat?
Many acute and chronic conditions that commonly affect seniors—arthritis, upper respiratory issues and illnesses, eye disorders and cataracts, mouth disorders, anxiety, depression and more—are treated and greatly alleviated by acupuncture. In general, acupuncture can help alleviate any acute or chronic health issue.
What to expect from acupuncture treatment.
You can expect to receive acupuncture, massage, cupping and other treatments to help with your condition. You will also receive home therapies like stretching and physical therapy advice as well as diet/supplement changes to enhance your overall health so you can maintain a healthy body.
After one course of treatment, patients may find that they can once again play golf, take a hike in the mountains, go shopping and participate in activities they thought were no longer part of their lives.
What are the benefits of Eastern Medicine for seniors in particular?
The Chinese medical theory is that as a person ages, their vital energy/life force or “chi” decreases. Acupuncture helps treat disease and general malaise by restoring and normalizing the flow and balance of qi in the meridians to return the body to a state of balance and health. With these concepts in mind, most seniors present with symptoms of overall deficiency and stagnation. Acupuncture helps to increase flow, vitality, circulation and move stagnation.
American healthcare is generally centered around Western medicine. Acupuncture however, provides relief without medication. The preventative nature of Eastern medicine helps seniors get healthy naturally, and without the side effects that many prescription medications can cause.
Instead of treating symptoms, acupuncture helps treat the pain source naturally, and without drug interaction. Acupuncture is a powerful tool that is especially be used on sensitive or deficient patients.
Challenges of Western Medicine.
One of the biggest problems in Western Medicine is the use of prescription medication in the elderly. The CDC estimates that 177,000 older adults visit the emergency room each year due to medication problems. The more medications a senior takes, the greater chance of side-effects, interactions, and emergencies due to adverse events.
Big picture.
Acupuncture is a gentle yet highly effective treatment that works safely regardless of the medications a patient may be taking, as well as helping to alleviate any side effects that may be a result of these medications. Depending on the ailment, acupuncture can be used in place of medications. I will of course work with you and your doctor before any medication changes are made.