migraine acupuncture

How Does Migraine Acupuncture Help

Acupuncture is one of the non-pharmacological treatments for headaches that the patient can opt out of, especially those who cannot take medications like pregnant patients. It seeks to restore the flow of positive energy throughout the body and also claims to remove negative energy that is causing pain. Acupuncture stimulates various systems of the body…

insomnia acupuncture

How Acupuncture helps with your Insomnia

Even though there are a lot of medications that are conventional non-pharmacological and pharmacological treatments for insomnia that are effective for many people, alternative therapies such as acupuncture are still widely practiced. Research findings suggest that anxiety acupuncture can be an effective treatment of insomnia related to mental health problems such as generalized anxiety and…

acupuncture for children

7 Natural Ways To Treat ADHD In Children Without Using Drugs

One of the most common neurodevelopmental disorders that appears in early childhood is Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) or also known as Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD).  ADHD’s symptoms are hyperactivity, inattentiveness, and excessive talking which are often mistaken for normal “kid” behavior. However, it is important for parents to recognize early signs and symptoms of…

Acupuncture’s Effective Weight-Loss: 5 Reasons

Is Acupuncture Effective for Weight Loss? Let’s find out.  The extensive utilization of acupuncture for weight loss is the basis of recent study findings demonstrating the effectiveness of this method. Recent studies have indicated that when acupuncture is paired with typical weight reduction treatments, people lose more weight, according to Pacific College of Oriental Medicine.…