Acupressure is based on the Traditional Chinese Medicine practice of acupuncture. Acupuncture commonly uses thin needles to stimulate strategic points across one’s body to alleviate the pain and other medical conditions. If you put pressure on these points instead of needles, the process is called acupressure.
What is a Migraine?
A migraine occurs when a moderate or severe headache is felt on one side of the head. It is usually described as a throbbing pain or pulsing sensation that comes with other symptoms such as nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, blurry vision, sensitivity to light, and sensitivity to sound.
Migraine Triggers
While the exact cause of the migraine is still unknown, both environmental and genetic factors are seen to be its leading contributors. The following are the number of things that can trigger migraines.
- Foods such as salty foods, aged cheeses, processed foods, or foods containing monosodium glutamate or aspartame.
- Beverages such as certain types of alcohol, wine, or caffeinated drinks.
- Medications such as vasodilators or birth control pills.
- Sensory stimuli such as loud sounds, bright lights, or unusual smells.
- Changes in barometric pressure or weather conditions.
- Hormonal imbalances due to pregnancy, menstruation, or menopause.
- Too much or lack of sleep
- Stress
Migraine Treatments
Treatments for migraines include lifestyle changes, pain-relieving medications, and preventive maintenance medicines. On the other hand, migraine acupuncture also provides pain relief that comes from severe headaches or migraines.
Acupressure for Migraines and Other Body Pain
Even without needles, many people find it helpful for migraine relief by simulating the correct acupoints in the body through the use of pressure.
- Third Eye. It rests in the middle of your forehead, where your eyebrows meet.
- Ear Gate. This point is located where the top of your ear meets your temple which may also relieve jaw and facial pain.
- Daith. This point can be found at the cartilage just above the opening of your ear canal.
- Ear Apex. This point is located at the very tip of your ear.
- Drilling Bamboo. These are two indented spots in your nose reaching your eyebrows.
- Gate of Consciousness. It is two side-by-side hollow areas that can be found at the back of your neck, where your neck muscles meet the base of your skull.
- Shoulder Well. It can be found at the top of each shoulder, halfway to the base of your neck.
- Union valley. It is located between an index finger and the base of your thumb.
- Great Surge. One of the foot pressure points located in the valley between the big and second toe around one to two inches back from the toes.
- Above Tears. It sits between and slightly back from the fourth and fifth toes.
- Moving Point. Another acupressure point is found in the valley between your big and second toes.
A migraine can be considered a chronic health condition and needs proper treatment and medications. Some researches prove the effectiveness of migraine acupuncture to reduce the pain that comes with it. However, performing acupressure can also do the trick, especially if the person needs an immediate solution to ease the pain.
Always talk to a medical professional or licensed acupuncturist to discuss other home-alternatives that you can do when suffering from migraines. Contact your trusted acupuncture clinic in Broomfield the Marchand Orthopedic Acupuncture at (303) 819-9967.