Acupuncture is best known worldwide as traditional approaches that have been used for thousands of years relating to Qi and meridians. While acupuncture serves as a highly effective and regular form of treatment for millions of people to this day—we realize that there are still many who are skeptical and do not view acupuncture as a legitimate form of medicine as compared to the practices and methodologies of western medicine.
However, not only is acupuncture an important and effective form of treatment, but the ways that I have synthesized it with modern Western techniques makes it both accessible and highly effective for even the biggest skeptic. In my practice, I include modern tools such as electrical stimulation techniques, dry needling, cupping therapy and apply extensive knowledge of physiological changes in tissue (not just blockages of Qi).
During your sessions with me, I will evaluate your condition, treat your injury, track the pain pattern and healing process, and providing a complete treatment plan for your recovery.
Treatments include orthopedic, constitutional and pathological evaluations. I begin each session with standard western and chinese assessments to diagnose your current injury or pathology. I also will assess and confirm your diagnosis from your primary physician if you have one. Many times Western medical imaging and diagnostic tools can be very helpful in knowing how to better treat a disease or injury with acupuncture.
Treatments will also incorporate therapies that address your emotional state. Injury and chronic pain not only affect our physical tissue, but it can create depression, anger and frustration. I will treat this part of your healing process so the emotional aspects of your condition are also acknowledged and managed.
Finally, we will work together to address home therapies to enhance your overall healing process. This can include stretches, the use of ice and heat, taping of the site of injury, dietary advice, and discussion about appropriate activities. We can do all of this this in conjunction and communication with your physician, physical therapist or any other clinician you may be working with to help you on your road to recovery.